Follow these rules for safe social networking

What we aim for?

Our goal at ZootomVR is to provide a safe and secure environment for teens to socialise. It is critical that we all follow a set of common-sense norms in order to achieve this. You may relax when using our app if you follow these easy guidelines since they will be kept safe by our human monitors who are on duty 24/7 a day to guarantee everything is in order. If one of our moderators receives a report about a user, they will respond quickly and investigate. If the report is confirmed, a suspension will be imposed. In the worst-case scenario, you may lose access to our platform.

We advise you to read this so that you can not only follow the rules and avoid penalties, but also so that you can recognise when someone else is breaching them. If you notice that the rules are being breached, please report it so that this platform remains safe for you and your friends.

Read the following


Do not divulge any personal data. This might contain things like your true name, where you reside, and what school you go to.

Do not give out your email or phone number to anybody for outside contact; as a result, we will be unable to assist you.

When sharing something, make sure it doesn’t reveal any personal information, such as your address or someone dressed in school uniform.

Don’t upload anything you don’t have permission to.

Give respect

Take respect

In essence, ZootomVR aspires to bring individuals together who may otherwise never meet to connect and learn from one another. Please treat others in the same way that you would like to be treated.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to meet friends by pretending to be someone you’re not.

Do not send photos of someone else and claim they are of yourself. You are sufficient.

Do not cop from the internet or use the material of other users without their permission.

Always remember to be pleasant; it costs nothing but is really valuable.